Georgia Cataract & Eye Specialty Center
Eye Surgery Center in Carrollton, GA

Suite B
Carrollton, GA 30117
Monday – Thursday: 8 AM – 5 PM
Friday: 8 AM – 12 PM
Phone: 770-834-1008
Fax: 770-834-2531

Local surgeons living and working in our community to make seeing believing.
Georgia Cataract & Eye Specialty Center is conveniently located at 158 Clinic Avenue, Suite B Carrollton, Georgia 30117. The surgery center is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Our surgery center provides ophthalmic surgical services and has a wide selection of surgical technology, lens implantation options, and a highly skilled staff serving the West Georgia and East Alabama communities.
Georgia Cataract & Eye Specialty Center was accredited by the Department of Community Health on June 16, 2018 as an Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center providing Ophthalmic Surgical Services to the community. The surgery center began performing procedures in July of 2018. At that time, accreditation and Medicare certification was sought and achieved through the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Healthcare on November 28, 2018. Georgia Cataract & Eye Specialty Center is owned by the surgeons of Georgia Vision Institute. Drs. Lauren Yancey and Keith Berry have performed over 1,400 ophthalmic surgical cases at the Georgia Cataract & Eye Specialty Center.